For any commercial premises, refrigeration costs can accumulate to form a significant portion of their energy consumption. Walk-in coolers, freezers and other large cooling appliances can drive up your utility bills if not properly managed.

An effective solution to cutting down costs is to install energy-efficient refrigerators. These appliances use much less energy and reduce the carbon footprint of your premises. They also resonate well among customers because environmental conservation is a top concern in today's economy.

There are several defining features that make commercial refrigerators energy efficient.


For a commercial fridge to be energy efficient, it must have proper insulation. Insulation allows cold air to remain in the appliance and prevents warm air from leaking inside. Energy-efficient commercial refrigerators are typically fitted with blowing agents made from a material called cyclopentane.

Cyclopentane is a useful material because it does not produce harmful emissions such as CFCs or greenhouse gases when in use. It is also one of the most highly efficient insulating materials in the market, keeping warm air out and cold air in.

Proper compressor location

Most energy-efficient commercial refrigerators are fitted with the compressor nearer to the bottom of the unit. This is especially useful for walk-in coolers and fridges. A bottom-mounted compressor works better because the air near bottom surfaces tends to be cooler.

In addition, more items are typically placed on lower shelves than higher shelves due to ease of reach. With a bottom-mounted compressor, cold items will remain cold and the fridge will use less energy to carry out its function.


The key to energy-efficient commercial refrigerators is selecting appliances of the right size for your needs. Commercial fridges come in specific sizes that are rated for certain uses. Purchasing an oversized unit can result in higher energy costs than necessary. This is because the unused space in the unit often goes to waste if it is not keeping items cold.

Energy-efficient models are built to maximise all available space without significantly increasing energy consumption.

The design of the door

An energy-efficient refrigerator should be equipped with energy-efficient doors. Solid doors are typically better insulated and can reduce energy consumption.

However, glass doors may reduce the constant opening and closing of the fridge and thus offer energy savings. The best option is to obtain refrigerators with half-height doors, which are a balance between glass and solid doors.

Contact a refrigeration professional to learn more.
