For many Australian homeowners, an air conditioning system is a must-have in their homes. And this is understandable when you factor in the sweltering heat of the summer. But while this system is vital for keeping you and your loved ones comfortable once the temperatures are unbearable, it can be a source of agitation for people that are plagued with allergies. Some air conditioners merely recirculate the air in the hope without cleaning it thoroughly and, resultantly, allergens such as dust, pollen and more comprise the indoor air quality.

Fortunately, there is a remedy for this. If you have noticed that your family is constantly sneezing, coughing or experiencing challenges breathing when the AC is running, you should upgrade to an allergy-friendly solution. The following are some considerations to have when buying a home air conditioning system that will not aggravate allergies.

1. Prioritise specialised filters

All types of air conditioning systems are designed to trap dirt that is in the air. Nevertheless, what some homeowners do not realise is that not all filters are capable of trapping particulate matter that is smaller than the dust and dirt they are designed to collect! Therefore, if you are solely employing a standard filter, you are at risk of your allergies becoming agitated due to the other contaminants that are still present in your home.

To prevent this from happening, you must prioritise the use of specialised filters. As technology has evolved, there has been the advent of new types of filters designed for specific purposes. For example, individuals that are vulnerable to spring allergies can employ a pollen filter. Alternatively, if your home is polluted with smoke and other fumes, you can use a purifying filter. Consult with your HVAC contractor on which filters will be best for your household's requirements.

2. Employ a refrigerated cooling system

Another aspect of air conditioning systems that some homeowners are unaware of is that they come in two main types, the evaporative cooling option and the refrigerated cooling variety. While both these systems offer their pros and cons, the refrigerated variety is best suited for individuals that battle allergies and this can be credited to various reasons.

Unlike their evaporative counterparts, refrigerated cooling not only works to keep the air circulating in your home cold but ensures it is dry too. As a result, this system has a noticeable impact on the levels of humidity in your home. Taking into account how humid the summers can be in Australia, this feature is invaluable for comfort. However, it also works to limit the presence of mould and dust mites in your home, which translates into decreased allergens in the home.
